Shakespeare in the Marketplace of Words
Shakespeare in the Marketplace of Words
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- More about Shakespeare in the Marketplace of Words
This book explores how Shakespeare used language to interact with the verbal marketplace of early modern England, combining word history with book history to demonstrate his response to the world of words around him. It argues that we can best understand Shakespeare's writing practice by scrutinizing how the formal features of his works circulated in an economy of imaginative writing.
Format: Paperback / softback
Length: 255 pages
Publication date: 23 June 2022
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
This captivating book delves into the intricate ways in which Shakespeare employed language to navigate the vibrant verbal marketplace of early modern England. By seamlessly merging word history with book history, Jonathan P. Lamb showcases Shakespeare's remarkable response to the world of words that surrounded him, both within and through the formal intricacies of his works. Through chapters that examine specific rhetorical elements in plays such as Richard II, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Hamlet, and Troilus and Cressida, Lamb compellingly argues that our understanding of Shakespeare's writing practice can be most effectively illuminated by examining the circulation of his formal features within an economy of imaginative writing.
Shakespeare's interactions with this verbal market played a pivotal role in shaping his reputation as a playwright and dramatist. He was, in his time, a formidable participant in the exchange of words, serving as both a great buyer and seller. By exploring the interplay between Shakespeare's language and the broader cultural context of early modern England, this book offers a fresh and insightful perspective on the master's artistic genius. It sheds light on the ways in which Shakespeare's words resonated with his audiences, influenced the development of English literature, and continue to captivate readers to this day. Whether you are a scholar, a lover of Shakespeare's plays, or simply someone interested in the power of language, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their appreciation of one of the greatest writers in history.
ISBN-13: 9781316644140
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