The Myth of the Wrong Body
The Myth of the Wrong Body
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- More about The Myth of the Wrong Body
The most popular narrative about transsexuality suggests that some people are born in the wrong body and that their bodies should be transformed. Sociologist and trans activist Miguel Missé argues that this narrative is a harmful myth rooted in a medical paradigm that leads to medical intervention and prevents trans people from overcoming malaise about their body in other ways. He proposes a different way of thinking about trans embodiment that focuses on gender identity, which is shaped by the rigidity of gender norms. By critically interrogating these norms, Missé opens up a different way of thinking about being trans, beyond the essentialism of the medical paradigm.
Format: Hardback
Length: 174 pages
Publication date: 24 June 2022
Publisher: Polity Press
The prevailing narrative surrounding transsexuality posits that certain individuals are born with a body that does not align with their internal sense of self, leading to the notion that their bodies should undergo a transformation. However, sociologist and trans activist Miguel Missé challenges this notion as a harmful myth. Rooted in a medical paradigm that often entails medical intervention, such as the use of hormones and surgical procedures, this narrative hinders trans individuals from finding alternative means to alleviate their discomfort with their bodies and prevents them from recognizing the societal pressures imposed upon them.
Drawing from his own personal journey, Missé advocates for a different perspective on trans embodiment that centers around gender identity. The path that leads individuals to identify as trans is influenced by the strict adherence to gender norms, which offer only two models: the masculine man and the feminine woman. However, these are not the sole options available, and by critically examining the rigidity of gender norms, Missé presents a fresh way of thinking about being trans that extends beyond the confines of the medical paradigm.
Missé's approach challenges the notion that physical transformation is the sole solution for trans individuals. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing gender identity, which goes beyond mere bodily appearance. By doing so, trans people can find solace and validation in their authentic selves, regardless of whether they choose to undergo physical medical procedures.
Moreover, Missé's perspective highlights the societal pressures and expectations that contribute to the discomfort experienced by trans individuals. The rigid gender norms that dictate how individuals should behave, dress, and present themselves create a sense of alienation and marginalization for those who do not conform to these norms. By challenging these norms, Missé seeks to create a more inclusive and accepting society where trans individuals can live without fear of discrimination or persecution.
In conclusion, the narrative surrounding transsexuality that suggests that some individuals are born in the wrong body and require medical intervention to align their bodies with their gender identity is a harmful myth. Sociologist and trans activist Miguel Missé offers a different perspective that emphasizes gender identity as the core of trans embodiment. By critically interrogating the rigidity of gender norms, Missé opens up a space for trans individuals to find solace, validation, and acceptance in their authentic selves, without relying solely on physical medical procedures. His approach challenges societal pressures and expectations that contribute to the discomfort experienced by trans individuals and seeks to create a more inclusive and accepting society for all.
Weight: 322g
Dimension: 142 x 224 x 18 (mm)
ISBN-13: 9781509551873
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